Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A prayer by Ken Gire

Dearest Lord Jesus,

Thank You for being such a good teacher. For giving me simple illustrations of profound truths. Thank You for being so direct, for not skirting the hard questions. And thank You for answers, even though at times I am slow to grasp them.

Thank You for being such a willing teacher. Willing to go anywhere — to a Samaritan well or to a Damascus road. Willing to meet anyone — Pharisee or prostitute. Willing to go anytime — at noon or at night.

Thank You that I can come and bring You my doubts, as did Thomas; my fears, as did Joseph of Arimathea; my shame, as did the woman caught in adultery; my questions, as did Nicodemus.

Thank You for the time You met with me at night, when You told me the bad news that I stood outside the gates of Your kingdom. And the good news, that all I would have to do to enter would be to take a step of faith out of the darkness and into Your light.

I confess, there are times when I have loved the darkness more than the light. Even as Your child. And even now, there are times I walk along gray borders, flirting with the enticing shadows cast by the world. There have been times I have made this world not a brighter place but a darker one. By my thoughts. By my words. By my deeds. For all these shameful times when I have been an unworthy subject, forgive me, I pray, O most worthy King.

Help me to walk in the light as You Yourself are in the light. Where there is darkness, let me be a beacon of light. And if not a beacon, a torch. And if not a torch, a candle. And if not a candle, then at least a spark to ignite others.

O Lord, may I never be ashamed of You or of being seen with You or of being associated with You in any way. “Sooner far,” as the hymn says, “let evening blush to own a star. But may this my glory be, that You are not ashamed of me...”
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Excerpted with permission Moments with the Savior by Ken Gire, copyright Ken Gire, Jr. Published by Zondervan.

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