Monday, September 19, 2016

Your Prayer is Heard by David Jeremiah

Monday, September 19
Your Prayer Is Heard 

Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard… 
Luke 1:13 

Recommended Reading
Luke 1:13-25
Perhaps you know those who have become cynical toward Christ because of unanswered prayer. They’ve been disappointed, and their disappointment has settled into indifference or bitterness. Many biblical heroes grappled with unanswered prayer—Abraham wanting a son; Moses longing to lead Israel out of Egypt; Paul desiring freedom from his thorn; even Jesus asking for the cup of suffering to pass.

God did answer their prayers, just not as they expected. Prayer isn’t a matter of getting our wishes fulfilled on earth, but of God’s drawing us into His will and working all things for His good.

The angel Gabriel told aged Zacharias, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard.” What prayer? Years before, Zacharias and Elizabeth had pleaded earnestly for a child. They had grown into old age thinking God hadn’t answered their prayers. But not a syllable of their petitions had been neglected by the Almighty.

Don’t worry. God always answers the sincere prayers of His faithful people, though it be at His time, in His way, and for His glory.

You may not think God cares about your problems, but He does. Even now, because you are His child, He is working on your behalf.
David Jeremiah

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