Sunday, January 29, 2017

NKJV 365 / God-With-Us

NKJV 365 Day Reading Plan

Day 29 of 365


Jesus is Immanuel , "God-With-Us" (Is. 7:14).
Rather than demanding that we attempt the impossible task of reaching Him, God came to us as a human being and took up residence in our world (John 1:14). He brought a salvation that invites us not to escape the world but to engage our surroundings. Because God is with us, we can undertake the tasks He has for us right where we live and work. Since He is with us, we have the power to face the world. And rather than taking us out of the turmoil of life in this world, Jesus walks with us through it.
Taken from The Modern Life Study Bible

Matthew 1:23 NASB

23 "B ehold , the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a S on , and they shall call H is name I mmanuel ," which translated means, "G od with us ."

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