Sunday, May 28, 2017

Putting the Emphasis on the Eternal by Adrian Rogers

MAY 28
Putting the Emphasis on the Eternal
“And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on Me shall never thirst.”  - John 6:35
Sometimes people in large churches get a lot of grief from “the world” because of the great expenses of building and maintaining their church. I’ve heard, “Why didn’t they take that money and feed the poor?”
 Here’s my answer, “People need Jesus.” The social gospel thinks all men need is food. If I had five billion dollars and bought everybody on earth a meal, in several hours they’d all be hungry again.
There’s nothing wrong with feeding the poor. We ought to do that. But the social gospel puts an emphasis on what is temporary. The true gospel puts the emphasis upon what is eternal. Folks need more than soup and soap, they need salvation.
Think about ways that you can get involved with the need to feed, clothe, and house the homeless. Then find the open door to feed them with the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ.

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Verses for January 11

☃️🧤 “Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.”...