Monday, June 5, 2017

Salvation Through Trust by Billy Graham

Day By Day With Billy Graham

Day 156 of 366

Salvation Through Trust

One day God spoke to Noah about the wickedness of the human race. The actions of men and women grieved Him to the heart. God said that He intended to send a flood that would destroy mankind, and He told Noah to build an ark to save his household and the animals. The Bible says that Noah believed God. Now Noah had never seen a flood. He had never seen a 40-day rain. He had no weather map, no satellite photograph or meteorologist to tell him that a big storm was coming. All he had to go on was the Word of God. But when the flood came, Noah was spared and saved with his family, and the rest of the generation was swept away. Noah was saved because he put his trust in God. The days of Noah are returning to earth, and a catastrophe as great as the flood awaits those who refuse to enter into the ark of salvation, which is Jesus Christ.

Daily Prayer

Forgive me, Father-so often I question, when I should be trusting You, like Noah.

Genesis 6:22 NASB

22 Thus Noah did; according to all that God had commanded him, so he did.

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