Friday, June 16, 2017

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan / BEAUTIFUL FEET

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan

Day 166 of 365


In the days of Isaiah, news of the outcome of a battle would be carried on foot by a messenger from the battle, bringing either good or bad news to the waiting population. In this case, the glorious message of this runner involved the announcement of the return from exile.
In the New Testament, the apostle Paul refers to this imagery for the sake of the gospel. He quotes this verse in Romans 10:15 to bolster his point about the importance of the proclamation of the good news. There is no greater victory than that which God has won in Christ; this is the ultimate victory over the last and final enemy. Through Christ, the victory over sin and death has been fully accomplished, but the news of that victory must still be shared.
For those who follow Jesus, the task remains to herald that victory far and wide. It's the calling of every follower of Jesus to make this declaration until all have heard the good news that people can, at long last, have peace with God because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Jesus, help me to herald your victory to all who will hear. I want others to know the peace I have in you. Amen.

Isaiah 52:7 NASB

7 How lovely on the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace And brings good news of happiness, Who announces salvation, And says to Zion, "Your God reigns!"

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