Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan / WAITING

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan

Day 165 of 365


Isaiah describes those who waited and remained faithful to the Lord. As God's judgment on Judah unfolded around them, many waited patiently while remaining steadfast in their love for and devotion to the Lord. Waiting reflects a relinquishing of power, a trust in someone else for the future, and that is exactly how the people of Judah are pictured here. They know that God is ultimately the one in control, and they are content to wait for the ultimate blessing that God had promised them. To those who wait, God's names and his renown were the desire of their hearts.
This kind of faith serves as an excellent example for how believers should continually carry themselves today. The people of God are waiting for Jesus to return and to bring justice to the earth. It is important to realize that there is nothing they can do to speed up his return. Instead, believers should ensure that God's name and his renown are the desire of their hearts, and in their waiting, remain patient in their praise and faithful to tell others about him.
Jesus, teach me to be joyous in the waiting. I want others to see you in my waiting. Amen.

Isaiah 26:8 NASB

8 Indeed, while following the way of Your judgments, O L ord , We have waited for You eagerly; Your name, even Your memory, is the desire of our souls.

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