Friday, June 16, 2017

What Difference Does Heaven Make? by David Jeremiah

Friday, June 16
What Difference Does Heaven Make? 

Set your mind on things above…. 
Colossians 3:2 

Recommended Reading
Colossians 3:1-4
What difference does heaven make? Consider two people who lived across the street from each other. One man thought about heaven all the time—especially when the setting sun turned the sky into a painting. On such evenings, he would sit on his porch and think about heaven. He studied the topic of heaven in the Bible and often went to bed visualizing the scenes recorded in Revelation 21 and 22 about heavenly Zion. But the man’s neighbor never thought of heaven. He busied himself with his work, his family, his hobbies, and his golf game—never pausing to think about his eternal future.

These two men lived on the same street, but in different worlds. One man’s interest was on things below; the other man’s mind was on things above.

Which of the two men lived most happily? Which was most productive? Which busied himself with optimistic works of goodness? Which lived with promise, perseverance, and purpose? It’s not hard to guess. Those who think the most about heaven do the greatest work on earth. Keeping heaven on our minds keeps hope in our hearts and the Gospel in our mouths.

Heavenly-mindedness is sanity. It is the best regimen for keeping our hearts whole, our minds clear…”
Mark Buchanan

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