Tuesday, October 3, 2017

NKJV 365 / Peace

NKJV 365 Day Reading Plan

Day 276 of 365


The rarest commodity in this world is peace of mind. There isn't a diamond ring, fancy car, fat bank account, or big enough house that can fill that need. But if you live your life guided by faith in Jesus Christ, His peace will follow, and you'll be good to go.
You'd think the happiest people on Planet Earth would be the stars in Hollywood, right? They're livin' large with mansions, limos, glitz and glitter, and they've got fans lining up to take their picture on that whole red carpet scene. But I've met a lot of those Hollywood types and most of that bunch are in pain. Spend a few minutes with 'em and you'll pick up an air of emptiness and restlessness hovering around them. Why? I'd say they haven't got the foggiest notion of how to experience true, lasting inner peace.
Hey, I'm not the only one who sees this.
Open a newspaper any day of the week and you'll find a story about this actor getting divorced or that rock star going to rehab. They might have achieved their wildest dreams, but they're still deeply unhappy, striving to fill the hole in their hearts with anything they can get their hands on. And when your whole world depends on your looks, your talents, and pleasing everybody else, you can get to feeling anxious, uptight, and maybe even a little paranoid. How can anyone have inner peace if they're feeling frightened, unworthy, and insecure? They can't.
Whether you're a famous Hollywood star, a big-time sports figure, a rock star-or just an average Joe trying to make a livin' selling pizzas, peace of mind doesn't come from who you know, what you do, or what you own.
Here's the deal: without God, we're all a mess. We're a mixed-up, hopeless jumble of emotions and fears because there's a God-sized hole in our hearts that can't be filled with anything other than, well, God. That's why the Bible calls Jesus the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). He paid the price for our sins when He took on the punishment you and I deserve, and through the Cross He set things right with God on our behalf. That's where faith comes in. Once we put our faith in Jesus, God will fill the void with His peace.
Taken from The Duck Commander Faith and Family Bible

Romans 5:1-2 NASB

1 Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God.

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