Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan / THE BEAUTY OF THE KING

The Jesus Bible Reading Plan

Day 308 of 365


Judgment is a fearsome thing, and it is coming. God is a consuming fire (v. 14), and because he is, the prophet asked a somewhat rhetorical question in verse 14. Who indeed can live with God's consuming fire? Who can remain upright when the holiness of God burns away the hypocritical acts of righteousness along with the rebellious sin of humanity? Shockingly, after this we see in verse 17 a picture not of the fire of judgment from just a few verses earlier, but instead of the beauty of the King.
Such is the difference between the perspective of those who have, in humility, thrown themselves on the mercy of the King and those who, in arrogance, have presumed upon his patience. The fact that every human will bend their knee and give honor to Jesus is not a question of "if"; it's a question of "when." Every knee will bow. Everytongue will acknowledge. And it will be done to the glory of God the Father (Php 2:10 - 11). Some will bow in great joy at the beauty of the King; others will bow in terror at his judgment. But make no mistake - every person will bend their knee to Jesus.
Jesus, I humbly throw myself on your mercy. I look forward to the day when every knee will bow to you, my King. Amen.

Isaiah 33:13-17 NASB

13 "You who are far away, hear what I have done; And you who are near, acknowledge My might." 14 Sinners in Zion are terrified; Trembling has seized the godless. "Who among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with continual burning?" 15He who walks righteously and speaks with sincerity, He who rejects unjust gain And shakes his hands so that they hold no bribe; He who stops his ears from hearing about bloodshed And shuts his eyes from looking upon evil; 16 He will dwell on the heights, His refuge will be the impregnable rock; His bread will be given him, His water will be sure. 17 Your eyes will see the King in His beauty;

Philippians 2:10-11 NASB

10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

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