Friday, March 9, 2018

Launch Out by David Jeremiah

Friday, March 9
Launch Out 
Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.
Luke 5:4
On Friday, October 10, 1884, a group of Christians gathered in London to commission a handful of women missionaries heading to India. Reverend E. A. Stuart preached from Luke 5 and urged the workers to “launch out into the deep.” His points were: (1) launch into the depths of God’s love, realizing His love is a bottomless ocean; (2) launch into the depths of God’s rest, trusting Him to care for you; (3) launch into the depths of God’s providence, depending on His guidance for every footstep. If you do those things, said Stuart, you’ll be able to launch into the depths of India’s neediest people and bring forth a catch of souls.
What situation is facing you? What project is before you? Launch into the depths of God’s love, His rest, and His providence. Trust God to bless you and give you a catch of souls for the cause of His kingdom.
If we launch into the deep and let down the nets, we’ll enjoy the blessings of being fishers of men, and He will equip us for every good work.

You shall catch men. And… you shall catch them for life, and not for death, as the natural fisherman does.
E. A. Stuart

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