Wednesday, August 29, 2018

All Things Bright and Beautiful by David Jeremiah

Wednesday, August 29
All Things Bright and Beautiful
A righteous man regards the life of his animal. 
Proverbs 12:10
Have you ever asked yourself why God created animals—so many of them with such variety? 

Clearly God loves animals. He filled the Garden of Eden with them, preserved them during the Flood, and expressed concern about the cattle of Nineveh at the end of the book of Jonah. He even makes the surprising statement in Proverbs 12:10 that righteousness includes treating our animals well.
God undoubtedly created animals to be lessons for us. We learn diligence by watching ants do their work (Proverbs 6:6); we learn trust from the sparrows (Psalm 84:3); safety from the hen with her chicks (Matthew 23:37); confidence from the eagle (Isaiah 40:31); surefootedness from the deer (Habakkuk 3:19); discipleship from the sheep (John 10:4); gentleness from doves (Matthew 10:16); obedience from the horse (Psalm 32:9); wisdom from the badger (Proverbs 30:26); courage from the lion (Proverbs 30:29-30); and faith from the raven (Luke 12:24). 

If you’re vacationing with your children this summer, talk about the animals. Sometimes their very presence is a sermon for our souls.

All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, / All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.
Cecil Frances Alexander

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