Friday, November 30, 2018

How Can I? by David Jeremiah

Friday, November 30
How Can I?
Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?”
Luke 1:34
Every parent knows the difference between two “How can I . . .?” questions from a child. One is asked in unbelief and resistance (“How can I clean up this room by myself?”) and one is asked for information’s sake (“How can I mix the cookie dough?”). It is the question asked in willing faith that brings the help that is needed.
The angel Gabriel brought news of impending births to two families: Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth, and Joseph and his betrothed, Mary. When Zacharias heard the news that his wife would bear a son in her old age, he responded in unbelief (Luke 1:18). And he was struck dumb for nine months. But when Mary received her news, she responded in faith (Luke 1:38). Both responses were similar: “How can I . . .?”—but their motivations were different. Zacharias came to a place of faith in time, but Mary had faith from the beginning. 

God doesn’t mind questions; there are plenty of them throughout the Bible. But they should reveal our desire for guidance and help, not our lack of faith.

Why are we so slow to trust an infinite God? 
William S. Plumer

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