Grace Abounding
December 28, 2018
December 28, 2018
Read: John 1:16
For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. (v. 16)
Jesus was full of grace and truth. He was full of the glory of God. Mary’s little bundle of joy may have looked like any other baby, but contained in that swaddled bundle was nothing less than God! It reminds me of a scene from C. S. Lewis’s Narnia stories where some folks enter what looked like an ordinary building only to discover within it a vastness you could not have guessed. “Its inside is bigger than its outside,” one character observes. This prompts another person to say that something like that happened on earth once upon a time too: one small stable and one small manger somehow contained “something inside it that was bigger than our whole world.”
Jesus was the fullness of God and because of that, John writes, we have benefitted by receiving the overflow spillage of all that glory and grace. Jesus was so full of grace that it leaked out of him, spilled out of him the way water in a multitiered fountain just keeps pouring over the edges. We have received grace upon grace. The grace piles up now thanks to Jesus. It will always be more than a match for the sin that grace washes away. Jesus is the fullness of God. That’s why one day the knowledge of the glory of God will fill the earth the way the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14). It will just keep being grace after grace after grace! —Scott Hoezee
Prayer: Out of your fullness, dear Lord, fill up also our hearts with your grace. Amen.
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