Saturday, March 2, 2019

More than Enough by Jen Petersen

More than Enough
March 1, 2019
Read: James 1:2-8
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. (v. 5)
Pastors perform many different tasks as they lead a congregation, from preaching to pastoral care to administrative leadership. My least favorite task as a pastor has always been asking people to volunteer for things. I know that everyone’s life is busy, and I fear asking too much of people. But when I let that fear take over, I miss out on connecting people with ways to use their gifts because I don’t ask for what is needed.
If it’s true that I miss out when I don’t ask people in my church for their help, how much more so when I don’t ask God for his help. There are many reasons for not asking God for what I need: sometimes I think that I can figure it out on my own, or that God wouldn’t care about this small need of mine, or I just forget that God is there to ask. But James reminds us that God gives generously to those who ask.
However, just because I ask doesn’t mean I will always receive exactly what I want or ask for. The people to whom James was writing to were facing some really big challenges, and we’ll also face hard times in our lives. But no matter what we’re facing, God will be with us. And no matter what we’re facing, we can ask God for what we need. —Jen Petersen
As you pray, share with God what you need and ask him to provide for you.

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Verses for January 7

🙏🏻 “Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. ...