Sunday, June 30, 2019

You’ve only got one way out by Adrian Rogers

You’ve only got one way out
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. John 14:6
Materialism says, “Buy your way out.” The politician says, “Legislate your way out.” The army says, “Fight your way out.” Industry says, “Work.” The philosopher says, “Think.” But Jesus says, “There’s no way out but through Me.” 
Jesus will save you by His grace, and He’ll save you all by Himself or you won’t be saved at all.
When you are saved by the grace of God, you are saved instantly, and you are saved eternally. Your goodness is not enough to save you, and your badness is not enough to keep you away. Jesus loves you so much that He died to save you.
Take Jesus at His Word and say with the hymn writer, “Out of my bondage sorrow and night, Jesus I come to Thee.” Have you followed His way of salvation? Maybe you have a friend who needs this truth today. Share it; don’t suppress it.

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