Thursday, January 30, 2020

Your Life Is a Gospel Witness By Erwin Lutzer

Your Life Is a Gospel Witness
By Erwin Lutzer
People usually do not believe the Gospel until they have met a Christian who has integrity, who loves them, who knows what he or she believes and is willing to stand for truth. I was reading the other day where the Apostle Paul says that we are an epistle “known and read by all men” (2 Corinthians 3:2).

We can complain all we want about our culture and where it’s going, but we can still have people over for dinner and share the Gospel with them. We can still have a meeting in our home with our friends and neighbors and represent Christ to them. Are we going to use the opportunities that we still have to evangelize?

One study found that the reason Christians don’t evangelize is because of unconquered sin in their lives. Their sin convicts them, and their conscience says to them, How can you recommend Jesus to someone when He has not delivered you from your sins? That’s an issue we must confront, because if we can evangelize and see souls saved, it will rekindle our faith in the Gospel to live up to its promises.

Today’s Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, we repent of any sin that is causing us not to walk in integrity as Your children. Please help us present a clear picture of You and Your love to this dying and sometimes unfriendly world. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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