Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Reflection: The Promise of His Healing by Charles Stanley

To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout.
After completing His famous sermon (read Matthew 5-7), Jesus came down from the mountain, and a leper approached, asking to be made clean (Matt. 8:1-3). Under the laws of the time (see Leviticus 13), touching this man would have meant defilement—ceremonial uncleanness—which required ritual purification to regain one’s place in Jewish society.
Apparently physical contact wasn’t even necessary, as we read just a few verses later that Jesus healed a centurion’s servant with words alone (Matt. 8:5-13). Yet He chose to touch the leper anyway—not only to heal Him, but also to make him clean. 
Consider this: Though we may not have the man’s disease, each of us approaches God as if we’re leprous, with a sick heart in need of healing. What a joy to know that His presence—His touch—cleanses, restores, and sets us free. 
Think about it
• The leper bowed before the Lord, saying, “If You are willing, You can make me clean” (Matt. 8:2). What does it mean to be cleansed (or redeemed) by Jesus?            

• Picture Jesus stretching out His hand toward you as He did in Matt. 8:3. Is it easy to reach out and accept His offer of restoration?

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