Khrushchev once claimed, "We will bury you!" Some Western observers feared he was right. There was much speculation about whether democracy would survive the century. Even secular prophets predicted a world dictatorship. In this new century, threats still exists. Man has always struggled to govern himself but has never succeeded. Our forms of governments in North America may be the best of any human kind, yet our freedoms are being threatened by forces we cannot control. Clearly, man must accept supernatural control if he is to survive. Only one nation in history has ever attempted to operate with such a system. Israel started as a theocracy with God as governor.
Joshua, Judges, and Ruth tell of the time of theocracy. In them, we see that when men chose to let God rule, they knew peace and joy. However, when they began to usurp His throne, they became captives of a foreign power. God communicated His rules for government through priests, prophets, and judges. Obedience to these commands resulted in prosperity, whereas disobedience led to disaster and violence. Eventually this theocracy gave way to a monarchy because the people demanded a king like other nations.
One day we again will have a theocracy. Christ will return to rule as Lord of all creation. In the meantime, we must remember God's words to Joshua. If we follow His Word and do His Will, then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success (Joshua 1:8). May God be the supreme ruler of our lives.
“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”
Joshua 1:8 NLT
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