Sunday, September 27, 2020

GOSPEL OF POWER / Draw Near Bible App


For ten years, nothing is recorded about John Mark. He disappears from the Bible narrative after his personal failure on Paul's first missionary journey. In that controversy recorded in Acts, tempers flare so badly that Paul and Barnabas go separate ways. John Mark sails off with his uncle to Cyprus, and we hear no more of this writer of the second Gospel until he shows up in Rome to help Paul. Forgiven and matured, Mark became invaluable to the great apostle in Christ's work. From information gained in his association with Paul and Peter, Mark wrote the book of Mark.

Writing for the Romans, Mark was more concerned about what Jesus did than what He said. His is the shortest of the four Gospels, and it was designed to show Christ as "Conquering Servant" with power over all things in heaven, earth, and hell. We read much about demons and how Christ displayed His authority over them. Eighteen of the thirty-five miracles of the Lord are featured in Mark's writing. These accounts emphasize the authority of Christ.
Early church fathers contended that Peter dictated the book to Mark. They based this judgment on the fact that he tends to downplay the good traits in Peter and to magnify the less desirable ones. There is no doubt, however, that God's Holy Spirit breathed this dynamic book.

As the first Gospel written, this book probably furnished materials for Matthew and Luke. Christ's power is the predominant theme of this book; and it is stressed that the power is not just resident in Him but available to every believer. Mark tells how Christ ordained the Twelve and how they performed the same kinds of miracles Jesus performed. In the last chapter, we are told that in our day this same power is available to us. We are not helpless victims of the evil; we, too, can change our world through Christ's power.

“And they cast out many demons and healed many sick people, anointing them with olive oil.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭6:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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