Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Reinforcing Our Faith by Charles Stanley


Reinforcing Our Faith

Though we’ve considered some ways to identify false teachers, it’s not possible to avoid this destructive influence completely. The best defense is a foundation of faith that enables us to stand firm against the subversive pull of the world. So how can we build a stronger faith?

First, we must saturate our mind with the Word of God. Then the Holy Spirit will bring new insights and help us mature. 

Second, it is wise to do as Ephesians 6:18 urges: “Pray at all times in the Spirit.” The Holy Spirit understands exactly what truth we’ll need and when, so continually turning to Him for guidance leads to our protection. 

Third, we must abide in the love of God. Of course, believers cannot fall beyond the scope of God’s love, but we shouldn’t take His amazing grace for granted. With that in mind, guard your intimacy with Him and the time you spend in His presence. 

Fourth, eagerly await the return of Jesus Christ. The thought that He could return at any moment helps us maintain an eternal perspective (1 John 3:2-3). 

Though there is no magic formula for strengthening our faith, the steps laid out in today’s passage will guide us toward God and away from the snares of the world.

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