Tuesday, July 13, 2021

How to build a mountain-moving faith / Senior Living

 How to build a mountain-moving faith

 [Jesus] replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”- Matthew 17:20

A story is told of a small church that inherited some land – which they used to build a new sanctuary. But just 10 days before their dedication service, a building inspector told the pastor the parking lot wasn’t big enough, and the building wouldn’t pass inspection.

Now the lot backed right up to a mountain – and the church had used up every inch of the land. So there was no way they could add additional parking spaces. With this in mind, the pastor called together his most faithful prayer warriors and asked them to pray that God would move the mountain so they could build more parking spaces before the dedication service.

The next morning, the pastor was working in his study when he heard a knock at the door. A heavy-set man walked in and said, “Excuse me, Pastor. I’m from Acme Construction Company, and we’re in immediate need of fill dirt for a new shopping mall we’re building. Would you sell us a chunk of that mountain behind the church? We’ll gladly pave over the exposed area free of charge.”

Now this story may or may not be true – but it illustrates the importance of praying in faith even when the desired result may seem impossible. So whether you’re praying about your health, your finances, or your family, remember that God has the power to move mountains and can overcome any challenge you face!

Prayer Challenge:

Pray and ask God to give you an unwavering faith that He can do all things – and believe He’ll do it!

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