Monday, July 12, 2021

The Kingdom’s Open Door / Charles Stanley


The Kingdom’s Open Door

John the Baptist and Jesus Both preached, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 3:2Matt. 4:17). And though the nation of Israel rejected Christ as their king, His kingdom was not thwarted. 

When an idea recurs in Scripture, we are wise to study it well—and the Bible contains more than 30 references to the “kingdom of heaven.” The term refers to the realm where God reigns in absolute sovereignty. We understand this in a spiritual sense today, but it will become a physical reality in the future when Christ returns to establish His rule on earth. At that point, Satan will be defeated, God’s enemies will be destroyed, and only the righteous will enter the kingdom He sets up here (Matt. 25:31-46). 

For those of us who have trusted Christ as our personal Savior, a place in the kingdom is already secured, but what about unbelievers? Today the invitation remains open to all who will repent and receive Christ as Lord. 

The kingdom of heaven is still at hand. Nobody knows how long the window of opportunity will stay open. So under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, make the most of every chance to deliver God’s invitation. 

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