Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Conformed Through Worship / David Jeremiah


Conformed Through Worship

And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man.
1 Corinthians 15:49 
Neuroscientists say that the brain reacts to focused thoughts in almost the same way it reacts to physical actions. That is, repeatedly imagining a perfect tennis serve or golf swing results in the same progress toward perfection as actually practicing the action itself.

Recommended Reading:
1 Corinthians 15: 47 – 49
The Christian’s goal of perfection is becoming conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. That’s not something we accomplish in our own strength—it is something that the Holy Spirit works in us. Yet the more we focus on Christ, the more we can cooperate with the Spirit in us, moving us to the goal of conformity to Christ. And what is the best way to focus on the Person of Christ? Worship. After all, worship is directing our love, attention, and praise to Him who is Lord of all. The more we focus on Christ in worship, the more we become like Him—conformed to His image.

Worship is not just a religious exercise; it is a spiritually transforming process of focusing on the One to whom we desire to be like—to be conformed to His image.

The more the soul is conformable to Christ, the more confident it will be of its interest in Christ.
Thomas Brooks

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