Sunday, January 1, 2023

Sunday Reflection: Turn Your Attention / Charles Stanley


Sunday Reflection: Turn Your Attention

The believer’s primary focus should be on knowing and loving God, not on merely following rules.

The Gospel of John tells us about a group of Pharisees who want to stone a woman accused of adultery (John 8:3-11). The men are so focused on the technicalities of the law that they fail to understand why the law exists in the first place: to help human beings know and experience God. If their hearts weren’t so hardened, they might have discovered that the law is fulfilled not by punishing wrongs but by love (Romans 13:8 NIV).

When Jesus tells the woman that she is free of condemnation, He does so having sympathized with her every weakness (Hebrews 4:15-16); He has compassion regarding all the trials she’s faced and knows each detail of her background (Psalm 139:1-24). He is a Savior of infinite understanding. 

When we redirect our attention from rule-following to God Himself, we discover both His true character and His will for us. And like this woman, we encounter a God full of mercy and grace—one we’re eager to love.

Think about it

• Today is a good day to focus your attention on God and remember what you love about Him. Read Psalm 139. What stands out to you?

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