Thursday, November 2, 2023

Homecoming Day / Ann Graham Lotz

Homecoming Day

Rejoice because your names are written in heaven.

Luke 10:20, nkjv

When I know that my loved ones are coming home, especially my son who is now married and living away from me, I begin to prepare for them. My son, Jonathan, loves barbecued spareribs on the grill, a homemade apple pie, and time to play tennis with his dad. I prepare those things for him, so that when he walks through the door of the house he will know he was expected and welcome, because this is his home!

Considering how I prepare for my children when I know they are coming home, I love to think of the preparations God is making for my homecoming one day. He knows the colors I love, the scenery I enjoy, the things that make me happy. All these personal details will let me know when I walk into My Father’s House that I am expected and welcome because He has prepared it for me! And in the same way, He is preparing a glorious homecoming for you!


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Verses for September 24

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