Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Positive Words by David Jeremiah

Tuesday, August 28
Positive Words
Know that the Lord, He is God. 
Psalm 100:3
Those words—Know that the Lord, He is God—are what separate Christian optimism from the rest of the body of literature about positive thinking. There’s a wide array of material about optimism and positive thinking. Books, magazines, seminars, courses, workshops, and websites. But positive thinking is worthless unless it’s grounded in God’s theology. It’s nothing but cotton candy and vaporous thoughts without this truth—“The Lord, He is God.”
On the other hand, the existence and perpetual reign of the Lord Himself as God of the universe is sufficient to fuel anyone’s optimism. Those words—The Lord, He is God—are the answer to every problem, the solution to every heartache, and the remedy for every perplexity we ever face. 

The Lord, He is God. He is on His throne. He is in control. He is our God, and nothing can withstand Him. God is the sovereign ruler of the earth to whom everyone will give an account. He wants us to make a joyful shout to Him, to serve Him with gladness, and to come before Him with singing. That’s something we can be positive about.

The Lord reigns; let the earth be glad!

Sovereignty characterizes the whole being of God. He is sovereign in all His attributes.
A. W. Pink

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